Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Earth is the Lord's . . . and events in our lives :)

Aww!! That was so nice of Spring to listen to me! This weather is incredible!! (I'm also choosing not to think of what it will be like in Anyway, the grass is lush and green, the birds are gleefully chirping away, the trees are budding in full force, and the gorgeous flowers are blooming quite nicely. What a wonderful God we serve!!! He has created so many beautiful thing.

Speaking of beautiful things . . . my brother got engaged a couple weeks ago!!! It was super cute to see him heading out the door to go "ring shopping".  ;) Three weeks ago, he set up a whole plan of how he wanted to ask her (Joy). Joy, who was over at a good friend's house watching movies and making dinner, had no idea what was going on! Soo...Josiah hopped in his car and drove to the mutual friend's house, surprised Joy, said some sappy stuff, and they had dinner together. Okay, so that was the super super short version, but you get the picture!! lol :) Oh yeah!! She said Yes. =D

Let's see...what else has happened since I last posted...oh! I got my driver's license last month! Perfect timing too, because my mom unexpectedly needed to go to New York for 3 weeks, so I got to chauffeur Jerusha and I all around town to different events/lessons/orchestra/etc... :)

And last, but most assuredly NOT least, I wanted to share with you some things the Lord has been teaching me in the last few weeks.

My little brain only has the teeniest, tiniest little glimpse of the big picture. In reality, I have no clue of the scope of God's plans and intricate details! I'm just a little dot...a speck of nothingness in the grandeur of the whole universe. . . yet, God cares for me! He cares about what I'm worried about, what I don't understand, my sicknesses, my hopes, my disappointments, my dreams, my excitements, my joys, everything! And guess what, he understands everything about me! Why? Because He made me and He loves me dearly. <3 Recently in my Bible reading, I've been challenged to reset my thinking. I notice myself constantly stressing out about what's going to happen "down the road" I supposed to go to college? I'd like to go on a mission's trip, but where? and when? or should I? My heart is in ministry, but the doors don't seem to be opening (or doing much of anything) at present...aghhh!!! What should I do!? It's then that I read verses like  
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." "Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah."
That's just one example of the dozens of verses with which God comforts His people! Here's another another verse that really stood out to me in my personal devotions:

 "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." Psalm 51:17
 Even when we're confused, especially when we're confused, the Lord wants us to bring everything to Him! Our problems, our uncertainties, our anger, our brokenness, our contrite hearts. . . He desires that we lay everything at His feet.
"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." 1 Peter 5:7
How wonderful to think that the God of the universe loves and cares about every little detail of our lives!! We're not bogging Him down or depressing Him if we tell Him all our fact, He tells us in the Bible to do that very thing!
"Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah." Psalm 62:8
 Trust in the Lord! Tell Him all your troubles and know that He hears you and will help you! <3
I serve a great and glorious God!