Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Vitalness of Gratefulness

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58
So I'm over here mildly freaking out about my future when I read this verse. Bam. It's like God said "My dear daughter, I know you're worried about what step is next and where your life is headed, but that's not your concern. I know exactly where you are. You are right where I want you for this moment. While you're there, be steadfast. Don't waver in your convictions of Me. And work wholeheartedly for Me exactly where I've placed you!"

Sure, slicing bagels and making lattes isn't where I think God has me permanently, but today it IS where He has me. He hasn't called me to stress out and worry about what might happen and when, but instead Jesus tells me to cast my cares on Him, for He cares for me. (1 Peter 5:7)

Thanksgiving just came and went. Tons of my facebook friends posted "thankfulness" statuses during the month of November. As much as I read them and agreed, seeing the posts every day didn't resonate with me until God revealed my ungrateful heart to me.

Gratefulness. It is SO important. Without it, I become depressed and self-focused. I concentrate on my problems and my "needs". My head hangs down, centered completely on me. It's extremely easy to get stuck in the habit of thinking "woe is me". I am quite guilty of this. What's interesting is that the more I focus on self, the less I see how marvelous God is. My problems get increasingly larger, and Christ diminishes into the background.

God has been convicting me about this.

"SHIFT YOUR FOCUS!! Gratefulness and an tender heart are important to Me!" It felt like God said as He pierced my soul.

The way I look, my future, and my everyday "drama" are so insignificant compared to the majesty of the Lord. When I shift my focus upward (instead of the downward disgust of self-centeredness), my problems shrink drastically in the light of God's glory. I am freed of myself so I can serve Him more fully!

I have so much to learn and work on in this area. Praise the Lord that He doesn't give up on me. I don't even understand how He can possibly give me so many second chances. I am in awe of His mercy. I am radically overwhelmed and grateful. So very grateful.