Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow! Snow, snow....oh....

Here are some pictures of my siblings and I in the snow from the last week or so.   :)
Jerusha and I went outside and did some photo shots of each other in the snow.

 A day or so after the snow came, we all went out and shoveled the walkway and the driveway...well, *some* of the driveway. We shoveled enough that our sister could go to work the next morning and not get stuck.   :)

Josiah was an awesome big brother and came out with us even though he had a headache! 

 After we finished shoveling, Jessica, Jerusha and I scrambled on top of a big snow pile in our neighbor's field . . . it's actually a lot bigger than shown here.

Since Jerusha and I had our photo shot the day before, we all concurred it was only right that Jessica should have one too!  

-Dramatic change of subject-

     I have decided that the Kindergarten/First grade Sunday School class that Jessica and I teach is absolutely the cutest class ever!!!! Their prayer requests are so sweet.

Little boy: "Um, I, umm . . . umm, my dad, uh . . . my dad's other dad died . . . so could you, umm . . . could you pray for him?"
Jessica: Okay, well, if your grandpa died then - "
Little boy: NO! Not my Grandpa! It's my um . . . uh, my dad's other dad.
Jessica: "All right, but you don't need to pray for him, we should pray for comfort for your family instead." 
Finally convincing the little boy that she was going to pray for the right thing, she moved onto the next prayer request which was a little girl asking for prayer for her "aunt who died in Heaven".
Sorry, I didn't mean for that to be morbid or anything. Unfortunately they all seemed to be about death.
There are other really cute things that they do . . . but it's not the same trying to write them down. (*Warning! Cliche line ahead!*) You would have had to be there.    :D

~ "The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:" ~ Numbers 6:25


  1. Very cute, Joanna. Thanks for posting! Little kids can be so cute sometimes. :D

  2. Thank you, Alisha! Aren't they so darling?! :)
